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2012-09-04   来源:站长日记       编辑:沧海桑田   类别:开源    转载到:    发表评论

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. With an extensive database of user-created modifications and styles database containing hundreds of style and image packages to customise your board, you can create a very unique forum in minutes.

No other bulletin board software offers a greater complement of features, while maintaining efficiency and ease of use. Best of all, phpBB is completely free. We welcome you to test it for yourself today. If you have any questions please visit our Community Forum where our staff and members of the community will be happy to assist you with anything from configuring the software to modifying the code for individual needs. Learn more about phpBB.

自2000年发布以来, phpBB™ 已经成为世界上应用最广泛的开源论坛软件. 与早先的版本一样, phpBB™ 3.0 “Olympus” 拥有易于使用的管理面板和友好的用户安装界面, 您可以轻松地在数分钟内建立起您的论坛.

拥有众多先进特性并且相容于多种接口, phpBB™ 将助您的站点一同成长. 在全球数百万的使用者的支持下, phpBB™ 是您毫无疑问的最佳论坛解决方案.


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