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Recommended Products

2012-09-09   来源:站长日记       编辑:沧海桑田   类别:开源    转载到:    发表评论

Recommended Products
I was wondering if anyone has developed a "Recommended Products" extension for OC which will (like Amazon) base the recommendations on customer trends?

I see the "Related Products" feature, which is great, but it does not provide an automated (and data-driven) product recommendation solution.
Has anyone developed this for OC or plan to?

For the record, my observation about Amazon's recommended products is that it is a rehash of products that I had visited recently, and not any realistic Amazon sales observations. For example, when I started shopping on Amazon for a part for a GM car, Amazon lit up with "other customers who purchased this item also bought..." a cordless phone! I don't think so! The only reason I can imagine for this is that I had been shopping a few days earlier for a cordless phone.
I sincerely hope that anyone who does develop a Recommended Products extension for OpenCart is more honorable in the endeavor than Amazon.

You can convince your customers to buy more products even on checkout.
This module displays products related to cart's products. If there aren't any products in cart or all of the products in the cart haven't related products, this module will be hidden.


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