I designed a form to edit some DataBase's fields.
But some of these fields contain '<' and '>'
characters. And these characters are '<' and '>' in HTML.
So if want to edit these fields, the form converts them into '<' and '>'.
And I want to mantain '<' and '>'
Mi piece of code:
Any suggestion? Thank you very much.
> I designed a form to edit some DataBase's fields. But some
> of these fields contain '<' and '>' characters. And
> these characters are '<' and '>' in HTML.
> So if want to edit these fields, the form converts them
> into '<' and '>'. And I want to mantain '<' and '>'[/color]
Use & for &.
> I designed a form to edit some DataBase's fields. But some
> of these fields contain '<' and '>' characters. And
> these characters are '<' and '>' in HTML.
> So if want to edit these fields, the form converts them
> into '<' and '>'. And I want to mantain '<' and '>'[/color]
You need to escape the ampersands as & like this:
< becomes &lt;
> becomes &gt;