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图片 onerror

2012-10-02   来源:站长日记       编辑:沧海桑田   类别:HTML    转载到:    发表评论

如果网页上图片不存在时将触发onerror事件,显示后面指定的 图片 如 /public/images/common/noemail.jpg


有时候,一些问题的解决方法 还是的去看官方文档
I am using the following method to replace missing images with a placeholder img. Works fine, except in Firefox. Any ideas why FF doesn't detect the error?

$(function(){     $('#id img').error(function() {         $(this).attr('src','placeholder.jpg');     }); }); Also tried .bind('error', handler) with the same results.
Are you working locally?
Docs say it might not work when using local...
In Firefox imgObject.onerror handler is intentionally killed in any form, even for hardcoded in the source elements (internal security exception raised) - maybe to prevent any possibility of content sniffing or I don't know. AFAICT nothing you can do about it. Either screw on Firefox, or move your logic server-side which is suggested: so get directory check results from server script over some ajaxoid.


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