opencart Next Previous Product Links

2012-09-04   来源:站长日记       编辑:沧海桑田   类别:网店系统    转载到:    发表评论

Add "Next" and "Previous" links

This module adds "Next" and "Previous" links to the product view template.
Whenever your customers view products in a specific Category, products for a specific Manufacturer or the results of the site search,
these links will appear and enable your customers to browse these items by clicking these "Next Item >>" and "<< Previous Item" links.
The links can appear as Names of the products that will be shown if clicked or as any word you like.

Supported OpenCart Versions:

This modification requires you to update 5 files on your web site.
You will need to re-install this modification whenever you upgrade the version of OpenCart on your site.

Installation instructions are provided.

Installation service is available   //

Open Source.

Unknown: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated xxxxxx

it's not really a problem. just a php notice. turn off notices in php.ini file.
OR repare in code


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